Covering Medway & surrounding area

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Budget Garage Conversion to Man Cave

The client had a small budget and wanted to turn an old garage into somewhere he could play darts and entertain guests with a bar area.

We cut a hole into the wall to create an opening so the bar could be accessed from the garden, made a hatch and cladded the outside.


We then created a recessed ceiling for some concealed lighting, and a dropped ceiling over a new bar area. We created a step down from the bar  into the seating area and hid all the cabling for speakers and a projector.

For the bar, we used old pallets and made the tops from scratch to their specification, then fished the tops off with epoxy resin.
The door to the remaining garage area became a dartboard, again made from pallet wood to match.

A really nice result on a really small budget.



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